Friday, May 29, 2009

weeee...mid year exam is over...

yup, mid year exam is over. i am happy for that but i am also scared that there are only 3 more months for trials. need not say about SPM. currently i am indulging myself with novels and taking a break from the havoc of studies.

today we celebrated teacher's day at school. it was fun and all. i gave my well-worthy teachers apples and chocolates. well, i walked around the whole school with my buddy and spent almost the whole day doing nothing but talking to friends, making nonsensical jokes, wishing teachers and reading Agatha Christie.

yesterday, one of my closest friends was scolded by an angry teacher. and (its not a surprise is it?) he was not the one to be blamed for. (some of the teachers are like that...*wink* starts with a 'c'...*wink*) technically, she was the one who didn't (still doesn't) know the difference between a secretary's work and a president's.

for that friend of mine,
dude, just forget about what she said, you know you are doing the right thing, just carry on doing it and she will realise her wrong. don't give in or fall into the abyss of ignorance set up by her.heheheheh( wow, dramatic much)

alright then, i will keep updating. but tata for now.......


Unknown said...

yea, even though they're teachers, but that doesn't mean you have to let them take advantage of u.

Unknown said...

apples and chocolates... did you see what i gave my teachers... it is reposted on the blog..

have fun in the hols...