Friday, May 8, 2009


yeah, i know it's a boring topic to blog on. let me just get to the point. I HATE EXAMS. yes, exams are my worst enemies. i will read like a mad fool day and night, hoping to score an A for that subject. there will be bags under my eyelids and definitely, my circulatory system would be drenched in caffeine. they are my secret weapon to keep late nights. and the results? would it be worth it?

yea, yea , yea. i can hear the 'sighs' and 'yawns'. tell you something. personally i think exams only put on immense amount of pressure and stress onto the students. but one thing is for sure, its not the exams which are to be blamed for this. the perception of teachers, the society and parents is such that once you get a B you are a B grade student. nothing more nothing less. but since i do not have any say in this, and every individual has the right to think in his or her own way, i will stop blabbering about the perception.

i see my friends (some of them) are well prepared and that is the way to be. exams are to test on how much we have learned. if the system is right (remember i said 'if'), then all of us should be prepared. we wouldn't be going through this stress, simply because we have done our part. yea but because we are usually too busy with other things during normal weeks, we only study when exams come.

sure, i would love to put the blame on the system but still, the onus is on me to study. if i carried it out well, i wouldn't be studying and memorising like a schizophrenic now. anyways guys, biology was alright i still have two more weeks of exams ahead of me, so don't expect frequent posts. Now, i have to go study for the rest of the subjects. bye guys.


Unknown said...

exams... who don't hate them?

Liz said...

Same here. >.<