Friday, August 22, 2008

its hard to say Bye Bye.........

they have been with me since my first week in my secondary school. they cheered me up whenever i was down. they are my seniors. i have known them since form 1. four years of unbreakable friendship.everyone has been so nice to me. i don't have any kind of blood relationship with any of them but i get the feel that they are part of my family. seriously. we have done so much together. i have countless memories of them with me but is it enough to last for the rest of my lifetime. i mean, after this year, i probably would not see them again especially those who will be flying overseas to further their studies. i am not joking. i will not be who i am today if it wasn't for them. they have helped me a lot in everything. i already thanked them for that but mere THANK YOU would not make up for those sacrifices they made. they duty with me. even during duty, they were friendly and not bossy. yesterday (21st august 2008) was the prefects' farewell. it was great but the thought of saying goodbye to them gave me chills. i enjoyed the night to the fullest. i played the cards, how i wanted to play them. i talked with everyone whom i would miss next year. to name a few. yun ying, malini, priya, winson, joel, kian hoe, shu shan, esther, ja she, khee young, mathew, shalini, padma, manjula, dianne, jia hong, amir, sara, alina and everyone. they were looking like pretty young Ladies and handsome gentlemen. they are all my friends. i will never forget them. i was the third last t leave the ballroom and when i was walking towards my room, i shouted, BYE _______(those of them who were there)(my seniors). i might be seeing them next week at school but yesterday, i got to experience the difficulties one goes through when saying BYE BYE to a loved one. they might be gone next year but they will always be with me till the end of time, right in the middle of my little heart. you guys are the great.

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