Saturday, October 16, 2010

well, lets just get on with it.

hmmm, i have been an awful blogger. i admit that. i don't blame you guys for not reading my blog anymore. TCSH has not turned me into an anti-social freak of nature who does not update his friends on blogger about his life. that bit i can assure.

i am now home for the weekend. sitting on my bed and attempting to do something productive. i should let you guys know about the friends i have made at TCSH. well words do not do justice to the level of awesome-ness they are. and guys here at Seremban, i would say the friends that i have made at TCSH are very different from you guys and that is good because i would never want to compare you guys to anyone. i give you my word if both of these groups clash, you guys would fit in like a key would in a lock made for it. yup, that's them up there, uh huh. they do look like a crazy bunch don't they? well, pictures don't lie. they are a crazy bunch but they are lovely people at the same time.

every single one of them have their own special traits. if i can i would like to tell a story about each and every one of them but sadly i don't have the mood to do so. uh-huh. i am a person who goes by his moods. lets consider this as an introduction to TCSH friends. heheheheh.

will tell you guys more next time. my eyelids are giving in, they have no will power left in them. so until we meet next time, adios amigos.

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