Saturday, July 24, 2010

the Insane is a year older!!

yup, its official!!... the Insane is getting better at being insane!!...i am now legally 18...oooooooo (dramatic effect)...(spotlights on me now!!)....and i shout " hey, you...yes you....I AM 18!!!...


well, i had a wonderful day with my group of favourite people with whom i had spent my entire secondary school life with, and honestly, these are the kind of people with whom you would want to be with for the rest of your life...Yes, they are simply awesome!!....went for the movie that was simply stunning in visuals and storyline...yup what word rating....AWESOME!!...and my too-good-to-be-true-friend (who is just so adamant in the nicest way possible) refused to take money from me...i felt slightly guilty though!!...

after the super duper cool movie, my friends and i headed to KFC for lunch!!...i tried persuading them to let me treat them for the meal but they gang-ed up against me....well, it was 8 can guess which team won!!...later, we decided to go watch some of my friends trying to play pool!!...yes, there was some pool-ball-flying action...hehe....

then it was time to head back!!...and i forgot to mention that one of my friends actually made me a jar of mulberry jam!!....and after tasting it, i would recommend her jam to every single soul on this planet that is still able to taste the wonderfully sweet jam!! no man should be deprived off the privilege to taste this jam ......loved it!!...

all in all, i loved "today"!!... i met a lot of my friends whom i hadn't met in awhile....and we talked and laughed.....just the way it was when we were all in the same class a year back!!.... the punches from a friend, the pokes from another, and the ever-lively personalities from all....

i love my friends....seriously, i do not know whether i would have survived secondary school without them....i just wish we were all in the same college but that would make things just perfect...and perfectness is not achievable in this least not in this case...

the post will end now!!...and the Insane wants you guys to know that he is very hyper and happy!!....xoxo


K.P. Fern said...

aww...ara. thanks! glad you liked it.
and i think if we were all in one same college, it would definitley explode. haha...
blessed birthday once again, all the best. take care=)

Carolyn said...

Wow, excited are you not. Life in school wouldn't be the same without you either!