Friday, January 23, 2009

i know, i know.....

first of all sorry for being a lousy blogger. its been what, three weeks? but hey, i got reasons for my actions. and one of them is that i was (and still am) sick. fever (on and off). anyway, enough about my sad story, lets carry on.

today, i am going to blabber (just because i said blabber doesn't mean that you got to smile that way, stop that puppy dog look) about HOW OFTEN DO ADULTS THINK THEY ARE AT THE TOP OF THE GAME? like duh, everyone knows that they do it. they think they know all the minute details of life (when actually THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO OPERATE A COMPUTER) ( and NO i am not mocking or talking about my parents, they are so not like that)

lets say, you are talking with a group of adults, and they are talking about some topic that you really do have a lot of interest (and knowledge) in. they will be exchanging facts (wrongs facts, anyway). and when you try to add to their facts (ummmmhmmm...meaning correct the wrong facts), all they do is hush you away, remember these words, i know, i know la... and then, they continue talking (about the wrong facts) ignoring you. like dude, how many time has that happened to you? i get frustrated over these stuff. i am tired of people thinking i am nothing but a teenager who glues his eyes to the television probably watching ONE TREE HILL (and yes, i do watch...the show is awesome)

i mean give us a break, just because you are (what) 20 years older than us doesn't mean that you know everything? i mean come on, man. listen to us once in a while( obey us like we are kings and queens while we treat you like slaves.......muahahahahaha) we have a lot of interesting stuffs to say ( and correct facts , mind you). maybe we should have a WORLD TEENAGERS-ADULTS AGREEMENT, we can put in 'listening to us' as number one ( sure, we will try our level best to slip in the obeying part somewhere......for now just cross your fingers). hahahahahaha.

i think i got better by just typing this post out, man. i feel much better. until we meet again next time, T.T.F.N.

1 comment:

RuYen said...

Yea adults are like xD