Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 ( i know it's so yesterday....literally)

well, guys, 2008 has been one of those years that i will never forget (that's what they always say, ask me a year from now and i'll tell you that nothing really important happened in that year).

last year (i mean that yesterday's "this year") was really fun. i had tonnes and tonnes of laughther with my friends. seriously, (last year was not serious at all). the things we did. haiz. and i did get in trouble quite a lot, (not for what i did, mostly for what i didn't do........and no, it was not homework). loved today's "last year", because, that was the very first year i was with ALL my friends ( note that form 3 does not count because i was too busy studying my head off).

the achivements that i 'achieved' last year is not important. (yeah....rrrriiiiigggghhhhhtttt). the posts and all are totally boring to be stated here ( and i don't want to sound like a stuck-up-proud-snob). more importantly, in that year i discovered this new hobby, yes, reading. i read about 25 novels last year (yes, some were really really short and there were a lot of novels by Agatha Christie). reading has beeen my ultimate escape and i only noticed it last year,( can you believe it?).

my friends. well, this post would not be complete if it did not have my friends in it. my friends were (and will always be) the best in the world (last year, this year must wait and see). i got to know a lot of knew ones too. anne was one of them but now she is far away in Australia. Thambhi (that's priyadharshan) is also one of them, he was from St Paul (now he is in MY school....naynanaynanaynanay)

to put it in a nutshell (nutshells are very small, you know), my life blossomed last year. loved it. sad to see that that year has come to an end. and the beginning of this (monstrous) 2009. (of course, its SPM). anyways, Happy New Year , y'all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess it is over.. But 2008 to me will always be one of the most memorable year.

I guess you being part of it.... even a small part... make this year special.

Thank you for making 2008 special for me...