Friday, November 14, 2008

So What!!!!!!!

so what
I'm still a rock star
i got my rock moves
and i don't need you

hahahahaha. yeah people. this song is being sung (by me) to my one and only enemy, the exams results.

guess what,
I'm having more fun.

yeah, everybody. i definitely had SOME fun listening to the nagging from my dad and mum. i know i did not that well but still i don't regret doing whatever i did when i was supposed to be studying. for me life is meant to be enjoyed thoroughly. i definitely do not want to waste my time studying like a mad fool and getting all A's. i would rather have a lot of fun in my second last year in secondary school (and suffer like an idiot next year).

Exams are like the railings that keep the horses in caged-up land. most horses stay in that area but some are wild and they will jump over the railings and run wild. i am one of those horses. i don't regret doing it at all. actions have consequences. i am going to be a man and handle them.
yeah. so i was there yea-ing for all the nagging and everything. i mean i did my exams to the not-best-of-my-ability way so i don't feel really stupid. i just feel good that i didn't cheat.

cheating. well, for me, cheating in exams is just a waste of time. you cheat now, you will get caught later, anyway. if not in school, then it the hands of God. it is all recorded UP THERE you know. there is really no way around it. all you cheaters out there, i have one thing to say, you not cheating us but yourselves.

anyway. i am done being stupid. next year, me got to work hard like a mad fool and all. great talking to you guys. it takes my burden off. bye.

PS. friends who really care. i will do my level best to get all A1s next year. well, it is the BIG YEAR.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah so what???

but in my case it is not that easy 6000 riggit is a stake, so i can' tgo round saying 'so what'

by the way SPM year is not he BIG YEAR, okay!!

it is really no big deal!! you will understand later...